Paper Assignment Two Philosophy 131
Second paper assignment

The paper has several parts.
* It will have a thesis. The thesis must have a very specific format. Either it must be from the list below, or I must approve it in writing.
* It will give an argument that your thesis is true.
* It will respond to all the obvious objections to your argument or thesis; these are all the objections that come directly from what we covered in class.
* It will explain a non-obvious objection to your thesis. This is an objection we have not covered in class. You must do your best to make this look like a good objection (even though you don't believe it is a good objection, since you believe your thesis).
* Finally, it will explain why the non-obvious objection does not work, and so why your thesis really is true.

The grading standards are here.

Pre-approved theses:

You may not change any aspect of these theses (except to fill in the brackets in each) without my written approval. These theses contain two conditionals; you must argue for both, but only have to give a counterexample to one. For each of the following, everything in italics should be considered the thesis. "Wrong" and "permissible" mean "morally wrong" and "morally permissible."

* If [conditions] then it is wrong for A to not give to charity; if [those conditions are not met] then it is permissible. [You can also argue that it is always wrong or always permissible]

* If [conditions] then it is wrong to be part of a group that together does harm; if [those conditions are not met] then it is permissible. [You can also argue that it is always wrong or always permissible]

* If [conditions] then it is wrong for A be friends with B; if [those conditions are not met] then it is permissible. [You can also argue that it is always wrong or always permissible]

* If [conditions] then it is wrong for A to not make a sacrifice to help B; if [those conditions are not met] then it is permissible. [You can also argue that it is always wrong or always permissible]

Possible additional topics
Theses on these topics must be approved by me; that is, if you write on one of these, I have to have approved, in writing, the exact thesis your paper is about. Your proposed thesis should have the same structure as those above; that is, it should tell me "If [conditions] then such and such is wrong; if not, then it is permissible."

* Pick an specific action that, when done by a single individual, makes little to no difference, but is connected to larger social problems. When is it wrong or permissible to do this action?

* To what extent should we be more morally lenient to our friends than to strangers? (You could also write about leniency towards one's family)

* Are there sacrifices that are morally wrong to make to help others?

* Pick an emotion other than love (good ones to talk about: anger, sadness). Can it be morally wrong to not feel that emotion in certain situations? (You might also write about chemically inducing that emotion, or chemically inducing the absence of that emotion)

If you would like to write on something different from what I have listed here, you are welcome to do so as long as you get your thesis approved by me in writing.

A note on trivial theses (this applies to both pre-approved and novel theses) Here's an example of a trivial thesis: "If A cannot form justified beliefs by trusting B, then it is not reasonable for A to trust B." That's not worth writing about: the antecedent and consequent mean basically the same thing. Trivial theses are no good because there are really not informative. You are not allowed to write about trivial theses.

Thesis proposal due: Nov 17, 8pm. Turn in by email to your TA, in the body of your email, not as an attachment. Subject line 131 OUTLINE PAPER 2.
Draft due: Dec 3, 8pm, email it to your partner (as an attachment) and cc your TA. Subject line 131 DRAFT PAPER 2.
Comments due: Dec 5, 8pm, email to your partner and cc your TA. Subject line 131 COMMENTS PAPER 2
Paper Due: Dec 10, 8pm by email; subject line 131 PAPER 2 FINAL.